Month: February 2014

What Makes Christianity So Compelling Anyway?

Guest post written by Seraphim Hamilton:

In Response to a Question. Why be a Christian? What persuades me of Christianity?

This is a big question, and you definitely have my prayers…but let me give you a few “big picture” reasons for my belief in Christianity.

1. I find the narrative presented by Christianity to be extremely compelling. Remember that the Christian faith is not first and foremost a set of dogmas. It is a way of viewing the world, of telling the human story. And in the Christian account, we talk about humanity spiraling deep into sin, after which God chooses one, small family through which he blesses the whole world. So look at the history of the Near East. You’ve got kingdoms and empires rising and falling. And in the midst of this, you’ve got one little kingdom, Israel. Not particularly powerful. Spends a lot of time as a vassal state. Ends up getting kicked out of their land and then coming back in subjugation to a series of other empires. But the whole way through, Israel is saying “one day, all nations will worship our God.” No other nation is saying this. Tiglath-Pileser is not saying this about the gods of Assyria. Nebuchadnezzar is not saying this about the gods of Babylon. Cyrus is not saying this about the gods of Persia. But the Israelites are saying it about their God.

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